Please join Fr. Peter as Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary launches our 2025
Bishop's Appeal. We ask that you pray for our diocese and our appeal and
prayerfully consider making a commitment to support the ministries led by the
Bishop's Appeal. We as a Catholic community are called to lead with our
prayers and to support our Church as parish and diocese. When making your
commitment, please remember that your prayers and gifts directly support our 5
seminarians, our 18 retired priests, Youth and Adult Formation, Catholic
Education through our Catholic Schools Office, our Diocesan Ethnic Ministries,
and our Collegiate Campus Ministry.
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary has thus far reached ___% of our parish goal of
$15,000.00. Please prayerfully consider a gift to support our Bishop's Appeal and
our parish. Use the QR code of give online at, return your personalized commitment cards
at Mass this weekend, or you may simply mail your commitment to the diocese
in the provided envelope.
If you would like more information about the 2025 Appeal, please contact the
Bishop's Appeal Office at 985-850-3136 or email